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Pdf majalah tempo

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Yogyakarta : Jalasutra.Įfendy, Onong Uchjana. Semiotika Visual : Konsep, Isu, dan Problem Ikonsitas. Pengantar Komunikasi Massa Melek Media dan Budaya jilid 1 edisi 5.Jakarta: Erlangga.īudiman, Kris.

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Bamdung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media.Īrtini Kusmiati. DI INDONESIA PADA MAJALAH TEMPO Oleh Nurhadi, Iman Santoso, Dian Swandayani, dan Ari Nurhayati Staf Pengajar FBS UNY ( Abstrak Artikel ini memaparkan dua hal: (1) bentuk-bentuk poskolonialitas dan (2) kesadaran terhadap keberadaan bentuk-bentuk poskolonialitas pada majalah Tempo, khususnya pada rubrik resensi buku sastra. PEMENTASAN TEATER INDONESIA 2001-2005 (Analisis Rubrik Teater Majalah Tempo) Nurhadi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta e-mail: email protected ABSTRACT This article describes titles of drama scripts or theatre performances in Indonesia reviewed in Tempo in 2001-2005. Komunikasi Massa Suatu Pengantar Edisi Revisi. Keywords: Pinocchio Silhouette, Tempo Magazine, Framing AnalysisĪ. In contrast to in its framing, it tends to seek objectivity in reporting in order to produce information that is in accordance with social reality, because it uses the expression of responses from politicians namely Ferdinand and Volunteer Jokowi who have no binding with tempo magazines.So in reporting the tempo magazine cover was considered insulting Jokowi then reported to the press Council. As framing the news of the Jokowi pinocchio silhouette on the cover of the September 16-22 edition of the magazine maturity seems less objective and tends to use the expression of the magazine's Editor's Response, Setri Yasra, so the tempo magazine denies Jokowi's contempt. Kosichi models.In the research process shows that the framing of the two media are very different.

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This study analyzes the coverage of the Jokowi pinocchio silhouette on the cover of the tempo magazine September 16-22, 2019 on and with a qualitative approach and uses the framing analysis method of the Zhong Pan and Geral M. Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Syntax Idea - Articles Penggunaan Siluet Pinokio oleh Majalah Tempo Sebagai Bentuk Kritik Sarkasme terhadap Jokowi Abstract PDF HTML. As well as see how the influence of ownership and online media efforts to maintain a neutral position and objectivity in the news. With this research effort, we will see how framing is done by online media in seeing an event that will be reported. The news in the online media is no different than the media in general, namely the interests and ideological strengths of every existing media.

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